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Certificate, License and Endorsement Programs

The University of Dayton Department of Teacher Education offers multiple certificate, license and endorsement programs at the graduate level.

Certificate programs

The following programs lead to a University of Dayton-issued graduate certificate. These programs also signify specialized expertise.

You do not need to hold a valid State of Ohio teaching license to be eligible for a graduate certificate, but some certificate programs may require prior teaching experience for admission.

Prepares candidates to work with students with dyslexia within the regular classroom. Candidates will learn advanced phonics and multisensory instructional methods to meet the needs of students with dyslexia in their classrooms.

This certificate is IDA Accredited Plus by the International Dyslexia Association.

Individuals must be admitted to the Literacy MSE degree program or Reading endorsement program before admission into the Dyslexia certificate program.

Leads to a state of Ohio issued endorsement which can be added to a valid Early Childhood Education Ohio teaching license and is valid for teaching grades 4 & 5. A passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators is required to apply for this endorsement.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to their online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who hold a master's degree do not need to submit GRE/MAT scores.
  • Applicants must hold a valid teaching license.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Designed for experienced early childhood education professionals (program administrators, supervisors, teacher leaders, professionals who work with and advocate for young children and their families, etc.). This program prepares candidates with the knowledge and skills required to be effective leaders and advocates in the field of early care and education. Learn more: Program info >>

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Designed for early childhood professionals. Coursework can be taken as a standalone certificate at the graduate or undergraduate level. It can also be applied to the master of education in Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy.

Candidates will create high quality programs for infants and toddlers and that support secure parental and caregiver attachment, social and emotional development and resilience; identify and implement culturally responsive strategies that support infant and toddler development within the context of their family; and demonstrate skills that support language development in ways that form the neuro network shown to be the foundation for all future learning.

Leads to a State of Ohio-issued endorsement which can be added to a valid Early Childhood Education or Intervention Specialist Ohio teaching certificate/license; valid for teaching children ages 3-5. A passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators is required for this endorsement.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to their online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked "Issued to Student" and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer.
  • A personal statement or resume.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with a master's degree do not need to submit GRE/MAT scores.
  • Applicants must hold a valid teaching license.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Leads to a State of Ohio-issued endorsement which can be added to a valid Ohio teaching certificate/license; valid for teaching reading in grades P-12. To begin the coursework for the reading endorsement, candidates must have already completed prerequisite reading requirements or the approved equivalents. A passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators is required for this endorsement.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applicants must hold a valid teaching license.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Learn more

Leads to a State of Ohio-issued endorsement. The concentration acknowledges the important role of teacher leaders in school settings, such as mentoring and coaching, providing professional development and decision-making. The concentration's nine semester hours consist of coursework and associated clinical activities.

To be eligible for admission, prospective candidates need to have a master's degree and at least four years of successful teaching experience. Due to the unique nature of the content and clinical practice, transferring credits for these courses will not be considered.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic transcripts of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • Master degree required (3.0 GPA or better master degree conferred required).
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor, employer or colleague.
  • A recommendation letter to the TeacherLeader program by a school administrator (principal, superintendent or other central office administrator) providing evidence of four years of successful teaching experience.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Provide a copy of a valid teaching license.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Designed for people who already have a bachelor's degree in any field.

Program prepares students to teach English as an additional language in postsecondary schools, adult education settings and private language institutes in the U.S. and abroad. It can also help pre- and in-service P-12 teachers gain competence in working with English-language learners in their grade level and content area classrooms.

Note: The certificate alone does not qualify a teacher for a TESOL endorsement from the State of Ohio. A passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators is required for the endorsement.

For people who don't hold an Ohio license, the TESOL certificate program is an option.

TESOL program details, inquiry form

Issued by the State of Ohio; can be added to a standard Ohio teaching certificate/license, and is valid for grades K-12. For those persons who do not hold an Ohio license, the technology-enhanced learning certificate program is an option.

Program prepares in-service teachers to integrate technology-enhanced learning into their own teaching and to assist other professionals in their buildings in accomplishing the same. The courses focus on helping master's candidates increase teacher and student learning in the context of a technology-enhanced, problem-based learning environment. A passing score on the Ohio Assessment for Educators is required to apply for this endorsement.

Admission requirements

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer.
  • A personal statement or resume.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

License programs

The following Preparation Programs lead to a State of Ohio professional license:

Program leads to a State of Ohio-issued teaching license for grades 7-12. It also leads to the Professional Educator Certificate issued by the University of Dayton.

Candidates must complete approved program coursework in one of the following teaching concentration areas: earth sciences, integrated language arts, integrated mathematics, integrated social studies, life sciences or physical sciences.

The State of Ohio also requires passing scores on the Ohio Assessment for Educators. Applicants to this program must apply for the Master of Science in Education degree with a concentration in Adolescence to Young Adult Education.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (*See below).
  • Submit copies of Praxis, or the Ohio Assessment for Educators, passing score(s) results of content area(s).

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Students in the transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education program are eligible to earn two State of Ohio-issued licenses:

  • Early Childhood Education (ECE)
  • Early Childhood Intervention Specialist (ECIS)

The ECE license is valid for teaching children ages three through eight or for prekindergarten through grade three who are typically-developing. The ECIS license is valid for teaching children who have mild, moderate to intensive educational needs, including service coordination. The State of Ohio also requires passing scores on the Ohio Assessment for Educators.

Applicants to this program must apply for the Master of Science in Education degree with a concentration in Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Education.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers.
  • A personal statement or résumé.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with a master's degree do not need to submit GRE/MAT scores.

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Program leads to a State of Ohio-issued license to teach students with mild-to-moderate disabilities, K-12 (learning disabilities, mild cognitive disabilities and emotional disturbance). The State of Ohio also requires passing scores on the Ohio Assessment for Educators.

Applicants to this program must apply for the Master of Science in Education degree with a concentration in Intervention Specialist.

Admission requirements

Applicants should submit the following information in addition to the online application:

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers.
  • A personal statement or resume.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Submit copies of Praxis, or the Ohio Assessment for Educators, passing score(s) results of content area(s).

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grad- point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Program leads to a State of Ohio-issued teaching license for grades PK-12. Candidates must complete approved coursework in the following areas: French, German or Spanish. State of Ohio language tests (Oral Proficiency Interview - OPI & the Writing Proficiency Test - WPT) are required. The State of Ohio also requires passing scores on the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE).

Applicants to this program must apply for the Master of Science in Education degree with a concentration in Multi-Age Education.

Admission requirements

  • Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers.
  • A personal statement or resume.
  • Results from the GRE or MAT are required for applicants with an undergraduate grade-point average below 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Submit copies of Praxis, or the Ohio Assessment for Educators, passing score(s) results of content area(s).

Applicants must have attained an undergraduate cumulative grad- point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applicants who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA may be admitted if they achieve a raw score of 40 or higher or a scaled score of 396 or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled scores of 149 or higher on the verbal ability and 4.0 or higher on the analytical writing sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For test administrations prior to October 2002, a scaled score of 490 or higher on the analytical ability section is required.

Additional requirements apply for international students >>

Endorsement programs

The following Educator Preparation Programs lead to a State of Ohio-issued endorsement:

  • Early Childhood Generalist Preparation
  • Prekindergarten Special Needs Preparation
  • Reading Preparation
  • Teacher Leader Preparation
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Technology-Enhanced Learning

Department of Teacher Education

Fitz Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2966